Get a personalized Human Design Reading by Devyn delivered as a voice clip to your Voxer or Messenger inbox.
Each reading is unique to your specific questions and will include a breakdown and understanding of:
Your Type and Purpose as that type (Ex. Generator here to correct behavior)
The difference between your Mental Emotional (Not Self) and Physical Sensations (Self) of your bodygraph.
How to use your strategy (ex: Sacral Generator learn to listen/feel for the “Yes-No” push/pulse/pressure response of your gut)
Breakdown of your Centers and Channels, where the most dominant energy is in your chart and the high and low expressions of that energy (ex: Channel 19-49 being the most sensitive channel will know that the needs of the tribe are always and in a low expression will be needy or self-sacrificing to a detriment)
Awareness of Self & Not Self so you can begin to recognize your thought & behavior patterns and see if they are serving you or not.
Non-judgmental guidance and observation of all of your behaviors
More offers available to those who desire to continue learning Self Awareness of their Human Design.