Human Design in Relationship

Stop Over Thinking ~ Trust Your Decisions ~ Have Fun Doing What You Love ~ Laugh with Your Lover & Create Closeness with Your Children

3 Month Guided Course
Individualized Human Design support for
self-trust & deeper connection in relationships.

Course Starts April 2024

So happy you’re here!

In this course you will gain…

  • Life Transformational Wisdom about YOUR Behavior Blueprint.

  • Discover your unique Human Design, how you relate to others, and how to powerfully make decisions and effectively navigate your relationships.

  • LIVE Trainings & Group Calls

    • 10x LIVE Human Design Training Call (Weekly) (recording available)

    • 10x LIVE Group Coaching Call (Weekly)

    • 4x LIVE Deconditioning Meditation Sessions

  • Community To Connect & Cherish A Group Chat will be ongoing throughout the duration of calls to share, connect & inspire!

  • Ongoing, Intimate Support from Human Design Expert, Devyn!

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You could ask for what you want without feeling like a burden?

You could say no thank you without being afraid to hurt somones’ feelings?

You could let yourself cry and feel sad and give yourself a pamper-me-sad-day?

You laughed till your stomach hurt on the regular?

You could share with your partner when their behavior hurt your feelings and it not turn into an argument.

You could say sorry without thinking you are a bad person.

You could let yourself make mistakes, ease up on yourself and have way more fun?


Avoiding the truth.

Supressing Emotions.

Trying the same old thing to get your kids or partner to listen.

Years of talk therapy

Having to include anyone else.

Needing to know your source trauma.


We Live in a world that has taught us to be other-focused.

Self-suppressed. No one knows who they are or what THEY want!

A world that has trained us to be workers and not think for ourselves.

Learning to abandon self to appease others.

Blind Obedience.

All of this has trained us to not listen to our bodies’ mechanics. Our natural way of being that is unique to each of us and revealed in your Human Design Chart.

By Breaking down your chart week by week, center by center, over the 3 months of this program, you will see where you have been taught to behave outside of what is your natural state and how to retrain your mind to notice when you are slipping into old patterns.

With this awareness of yourself.

You are in the driver seat.

You decide what you want and how you want to feel and watch it come to life 10x easier than before knowing your Human Design.

Embrace all aspects of you: your fears, your sensitivities, your judgements, your emotions; you will become familiar with your energy cycles and how to nourish your ups and downs.

This makes room for enjoying your life and not over thinking or avoiding social settings. This causes for forgiveness and grace in place of resentment and bitterness for not being understood.

This program will offer you the education, tools and guidance to be the witness of yourself and family and how you are here to be different, how you are here to interact with each other and most importantly how

You can lead You to your success & satisfaction each day.

Are you ready?

Sale Price:$1,111.00 Original Price:$1,200.00
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Save $89 when you pay in full.

3 monthly payments of $400

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Projectors are here to learn about and guide the other. To understand them and to guide them.

Any projector who leans into this understanding will almost instantly see a better way of navigating their truth into their life. AKA WAY MORE RELAXING & FUN!

The Projector typically sees very quickly, they have been trying too hard or pretending to be someone they are not and this program will teach you how to receive the recognition you desire without feeling needy to be seen & heard.

Parents who want to raise their kids to be their own person.

If you are all about clear and open communication and teaching your kids to trust themselves and become their own person in the world: this program is for you.

Release yourself of the pressure of parenting “the right way” and learn a new set of tools to help you and your child be who you each came here to be.

Some children need:

  • a long bed time routine,

  • to be alone,

  • physical touch,

  • to make their own mistakes and discover the truth for themselves,

  • not be told, or

  • to be shown first, then offered a chance.

All very different. All revealed in the Human Design chart.

Anyone who feels like they just think, act and operate completely differently from their partner and want to understand those differences better.

Learn to communicate your values and needs and observe and learn about theirs. Learn to be in relationship with another and not take on their energy- good or bad.

Learn to be a stable energy source for yourself and others with emotional healing tools and communication exercises.


Live Education Calls

Trainings will break down your Human Design Chart step by step.

You will grasp an understanding of your type, strategy and authority, as well as those you live with.

Each week you will receive a break down of 1/9 energy centers so you can observe, contemplate and witness your behavior within that center.

You will know what “gifts” you have in each center as well as “shadows”.

Calls are recorded and available each week if you miss the live training.

Live Coaching

This time is for you to share your truth, rediscover your voice, witness and be present to others sharing their perspective.

The Community that is created is one of kindness and acceptance.

These calls will be potent and powerful. Even if you don’t feel like you experienced change that week, you may experience a breakthrough in understanding your child or spouse while witnessing someone else sharing their experience.




You will understand the different types and how the consistent energy within each type interacts with the world. We will talk about auras and what your type is “here to do”.


You will know the different ways and your strongest way to make decisions. And how the energy of each type is designed to interact with others. We will talk about how to honor the decision process of yourself and your loved ones.


Each profile type is like the costume that your type is wearing. Your energy either knowingly or unknowingly has created a certain personality that you will always revert back to. Understanding these characteristics of yourself will assist you in accepting your true nature and letting go of trying to be anything you are not.


Learn what it means to operate from self and not-self. Learn what it means to have open & defined centers. How your definition influences the other and how your openness is impacted by others.


You will know intimately the nuisances of being you. Your specific way of surviving and thriving will be different with every detail to that of your child or partner.


Recognize where you have been operating from not self, witness the behavior, don’t try to change it, regulate the nervous system, alchemize the trigger, and be free to be who you choose and are designed to be. Teach these tools to your children and partner!

Are you ready?

Sale Price:$1,111.00 Original Price:$1,200.00
Sign Me Up!

Save $89 when you pay in full.

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3 monthly payments of $400.

It’s likely you are just beginning the journey of self discovery, that or you’ve just undergone a spiritual awakening, became a parent, realized your truth etc, all that to say, you are tender and eager right now. Tender and VERY AWARE of everything, and eager to know what it all is and how you can trust it. I am honored to be your guide at this stage of your journey. You can trust that I always want to empower the best of you and all of you is safe here to be witnessed.

Thank you for your courage.

Let’s have some fun.